Investments in Education & Culture in Troubled Times
We live in troubled times. It feels like being in rough sea waters (if I may use this analogy as someone from a landlocked country) — everything is in motion. World politics have gone haywire, traditional values are being questioned in many societies and the economy continues to experience significant events that bring uncertainty. The…
Gender – a Matter of Culture?
Just to clarify from the beginning: I don’t want to enter the theoretic discussion on what is genetic and what is social learning when we talk of male and female roles and all the other gender definitions that might exist. What interests me, are practical questions regarding collaboration in a professional context: Behind all these…
15 Länder, 12 Sprachen, 1 erfolgreiches Team
Der Vergleich mit einem «normalen» Team hinkt natürlich, denn bei ManCity wurde und wird sehr viel Geld in Riesentalente investiert. Trotzdem: Auf dem Bild sieht man ein erfolgreiches Team, das in Sachen Herkunft, Sprache, aber auch Bildung extrem vielfältig ist. Im Fussbal gibt es in jedem Team Übersetzer, spezielle Betreuer, die den meist jungen Männern…
There is something wrong about the “right-or-wrong-concept”
I am a happy communication trainer and coach since more than 20 years. And I am happily married for more than 30 years. And sometimes the two parts of my happy life benefit from each other! Here some quotes of communication in married life: If I am right, this means you are wrong! Why should…
Hybrid Meetings – Food for Misunderstanding
I know a lot of people, who love their job. This is not at all self-evident. And imagine the opposite: How much time people would spend unhappy, if they should not like their job! These happy people meet other happy people, their collaborators, clients and partners. In my experience this is often the reason, why…
Working in a Multicultural Context
The tendency is obvious: We live in an increasing multicultural world. Many workplaces are – apart from the international contacts – exposed to many different corporate cultures. Anyway the term “culture” cannot be limited to the country of origin of a person. The “Italians”, the “Germans” or even worse “Asian people”-concepts are wrong or at…
Diversity & Teamwork
In my childhood before our daily game of football it was common that two of the best players were selecting from the kids available in turns, one by one. Being selected last was a humiliation. And sure not only the ability to play football was the main criteria, but as well sympathy and the status…
Story Telling im Verkauf
Wir kennen das aus Sternstunden von Theaterabenden oder beim Lesen eines faszinierenden Buchs, dass uns eine Story fesselt und nicht mehr loslässt. Bei genauerer Betrachtung ist dabei nicht nur wichtig, was auf der Bühne bzw. den Buchseiten abläuft. Viel wichtiger ist, was dabei mit uns, den Zuschauenden oder Lesenden passiert! In unseren Seminaren zum Thema…
Acting Methods for Leadership & Communication
It is obvious, that I use acting methods for presentation trainings. With my 30 years’ experience on stage I know what it takes to fascinate with a story, to get a message across, to reach the audience and evoke emotional involvement. With this knowhow I have developed simple practice-oriented tools that can be applied by…
Stay Connected to Learning
No question: Trainings and personal development are essential even in moments like now, when face to face encounters should be minimised for health reasons. Still personal development is a key driver, the soul of what we do every day: learning! Even more there are skills like selfmanagement and virtual communication that need special attention in order to master these…