From Story-Telling to Dialogue

Nobody denies the importance of story telling. The term is very fashionable nowadays. But what does it mean? Is it the art of converting your content into a fascinating show with catchy pictures, rich wording, a clever and surprising story line and a culmination at the end? Yes, but…

With our background in theatre we know how to entertain, to tell great stories, that capture the attention of the audience, to display presence and rich body language on stage. 

At the end of the day what really counts is whether the audience will do something different and new after our interaction with them. Our aim is not to be praised for our performance, we do not seek applause, as it might be the case in some theatres. We want to trigger an interactive discussion, a dialogue. And this is what makes our approach to story telling three dimensional.

In a triangle between the story-teller, the content and the audience or the customer we seek a dialogue. We want the customer to coshape the story! The first priority is not to tell my own story. The focus should be to develop the story of my customer!

Part of the customer story is based on the content, the needs, the expectation. Another part is based on the personal style of the customer. This is the question of HOW the story should look like: Sometimes it is indeed important to entertain. With some customers I should rather not entertain but be as efficient and relevant as I can. And some customers need our help and attention, while others are not interested in a personal contact at all.

This means I should prepare different options of my story. Different ways of reacting to my customers need. 

We offer a structured procedure to prepare three-dimensional stories, combining the 3D-Behaviour-Method with Story Telling skills.

Dan Wiener, 8. Juni 2020